Wednesday, 10 July 2013

When Choosing Local Brides Over The Diasporas Backfires

For Nigerians abroad, there’s always been this belief our single women abroad are too exposed and wouldn’t bend over for any man; for this reason, they were only good for dating and when decisions about who to settle down with comes up, in most cases, they are passed over for their locally bred counterparts.

The locally bred wife is believed to be well mannered, timid, unexposed and would be so grateful to be shown the light that she would be willing and ready to carter to her man’s every whim. How true is this assumption? How successful has these unions been?

The rate of divorce among Nigerian diasporas is climbing everyday, these wives have been known to seek for divorce at the slightest provocation, they have seen the light, freedom has been tasted, they have tasted equality in its full ramifications.

Husbands have suddenly become bachelors and barely surviving, the ones that are still holding on are cowering in fear of what a law that favours women would do to them if they dared show their Nigerian gra-gra.

Most of you know these stories more than I do , either it happened to you or to friends and relatives. Is it still right to assume our locally bred women make better wives than the diasporas? What factors do you think our men should consider when deciding who to marry? How should they protect themselves when  push comes to shove?


  1. Well, men should stop marrying and start impregnating. Heheehehehehe

  2. Whether it's local or diaspora ooh. If God is not ivolved in it, divorce is bound to happen. In my own opinion.

  3. Anonymous u r just an idiot. If u hv nutin to say jus shut dat ur dirty mounth. Y don't u go n impregnate a goat.

  4. Anonymous you don't have to insult his opinion..its just a comment though.He has sense in what he commented on..the nigerian society is fast trending towards the western culture.with the rate our local girls are going wild and ill-mannered.Some guys in Nigeria have started practicing it"Bare me a child&i shoulder the financial burden..but we go our seperate ways".its a choice thing

  5. I think our men should stop this "local" and "international" girl nonsense. If u put God first and marry a woman you love, the marriage will pass the test of time. That a lady lives in Nigeria does not make her ignorant of the rights of women overseas or make her a better wife material and a lady that lives overseas can also know that the man is the head of the family, respect him and be a good wife and mother. Please whether "local" or "international",marry out of love and let God be the head of ur family.

    1. ......always Aunty Nnenna, saw u comment on CrunchyApple's Musings write up and hv just read ur it, U hv said it all. Thanks for the advice. God and Love..... The secet of a good marriage!!!

  6. Dike said it all! God created marriage,He owns it,if He's not in it,expect anything.

  7. If a marriage is contracted just for selfish reasons trust me it will not thrive even if you are in mars. Again love is not enough to sustain a marriage because reliance on God, tolerance, understanding, patience and communication among many others are what you need to keep your marriage going. Cords of three strands are always stronger than those of only two. When God is in a marriage then problems will definitely be few. The fear of displeasing God and affection for your spouse no matter his background and orientation will go a long way

