Monday, 8 July 2013

Men Of God, Separation And Marriage

No matter one’s faith, people generally have always interpreted the holy book the way it suits their purposes, be it Quran or Bible, nothing is ever clear cut. When it comes to the bible, divine instructions are given as to how believers should conduct themselves, most times these instructions are directed at women and other cases the men but the problem has always been if these yardsticks should be applicable to both sexes , in this case, people tend to make subjective inferences. Take for example,

Romans 7:2 “ For the woman who has a husband is bound by law to her husband so long as he lives, but if the husband be dead, she is loosed from the law of her husband.3 “So then if while her husband lives, she be married to another man, she shall be called an adulteress: but if her husband be dead, she is free from that law; so that she is no adultress, though she be married to another man”
Shouldn't this be applicable to both men and women?

I know most of you have heard that Pastor Chris Okotie is set to try matrimony for the third time, this time to a lady named Delphine which ofcourse is not my business, I’m only wondering what message he is passing across.
No matter how bad a marriage deteriorates, men of faith have always believed that everything is possible, there’s no way a marriage can’t be remedied, that’s why couples are encouraged to go for counseling when marital problems arise. But its more confusing when the people we look up to for counsel also accept defeat and are equally willing to make another go at marriage with a new partner, where then stands our faith and adherence in the stipulations of the bible? Should we reach a conclusion that the bible no longer covers all areas of our prevailing lifestyles? To what extent should we adhere to what the bible says?

Without being judgmental, would you expect someone in his position to hold tight and make the most of a bad marriage or call it off and move to the next best thing? Should we accept that he is first of all a man and is free to try matrimony as many times as he desires? How do you think he would advice couples with similar marital issues?

Like i said, i'm not judging, just my private musings.....


  1. Circumstances has a funny way of twisting our principles. Having experienced the ugliest side of marital issues, I expect him to get realistic when next he's counseling couples, rather than sugar-coat the realities of life. I feel he'll counsel better now.

  2. Richard, r u for real? Sorry as per your experiences but are you also a man of God? Biblically, should he divorce a wife he no catch knocking boots with another man? and what about forgiving 77 times? and he no do am once, but twice, and now nos 3 feels lucky? Fuck that, dude aint a priest, he is just a failed disco musician with a good grasp of English and ability to engage an audience

    Pastor Chris, me never marry o! u wan finish all the wife material wey dey market. dat na another sin o, greed

    1. Remember people interpret things differently. probably he has a justifiable reason. would like to know what those reasons are though

  3. This Blog looks great now. I am quite impressed with the present quality. Nice job.

    1. Thanks Mavinz. will get much better with time. stick around.

  4. Chikezie abeg no misunderstand me o. I meant his xperiences not mine. Do i look lyk a pastor? Mba!
    Catchn her shagn another man is not d only good enough reason to divorce her. We are not even sure who made d move 4 d divorce btw d both of dem.

    1. Richard what other reasons apart from infidelity would justify divorce? at least where it concerns a spiritual leader? any ideas?

    2. I can't exactly tell but i know lack of communication n understanding, change of priority n desires could trigger it.

  5. Fuck that, dude aint a priest, he is just a failed disco musician with a good grasp of English and ability to engage an audience. Pastor Chris, me never marry o! u wan finish all the wife material wey dey market. dat na another sin o, greed

    I had a good laugh on this quote..Liberalism is changing the face of orthodoxy..Skuri

    1. Skuri please breakdown that grammar for me no vex. "Liberalism is changing the face of orthodoxy"

  6. Pastor Chris just love yellow sissy...loolzzzzz

  7. mmmmmhhhh!!!!!!!!!! Me I no comment or judge anybody ooohh!! The bible says you can ONLY divorce your WIFE on grounds of unchastity, so if you cannot stand ur wife's unchastity, then divorce her...... always Aunty Nnenna.

