Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Early Morning Preachers Go Beyond Borders

I’m wondering how many Nigerians would ever report to the authorities about the lone early morning preachers that have been terrorizing us for years? Especially Nigerians that have been left comatose from religious indoctrinations, people who would prefer to suffer in discomfort than risk the wrath of God.

I used to think it was only in Nigeria until I read an article yesterday where residents of South Yorkshire reported a white- robed religious sect to the authorities. They were accused of waking residents of a  Barnsley housing estate with noisy prayers and chants every 5.30am.

 Father Isaiah at work 

 In his defense the leader of the religious sect, Mr Radzokota aka Father Isaiah said: 
 "As we do not have a permanent place to worship in Barnsley, we sometimes carry out our early morning prayers in the wilderness. 
In Africa, all our church members carry out their services in the open space, commonly called wilderness, because by praying in the wilderness we are close to nature and God." 


  1. Close to where I live, they are also there and they pray all night, luckily they are in an open field and their noise seldom carries to my place, however I am now annoyed by crusades who pitch up tents anywhere and they use the loudest PAS! Sometimes they start midnight and I wonder why they are forcing us to listen to them at that time of the night/morning. Churches are sprouting everywhere in Africa and it's become an inconvenience, much as I love God and religion, sometimes too much of things becomes monotonous!

  2. My sister na wah o, I pity those in such situation sha, @ my former place, there was a mosque nearby, you know what that means, but who's going to complain? This religion noise wahala get as e be jare. @ times I feel like not going to church @ all(if I have my way, I won't o), cos @ times I feel choked, don't do this, do that, you must do this, you mustn't do that... Especially a church where almost every member is known (recently got myself involved in one, CHAI!)Hmmmmmmmm!All we hear now is give give give! Gosh. Sorry I've disgressed jare.

    1. Spicy we know say you no sabi that word, leave matter

  3. Tah! No open my yansh here joo! Onye ojoo!

  4. My broda y do u tink in such a way,evrybody has his or her own mean of calling the attention of God

  5. If they do not call the name of God, which other name will they call? 'Early Will I Seek Thee Lord' turn to God! Mama B!

  6. And to all these people who think its ok to disturb their neighborhood I have one advice: read mathew 6:5-10

  7. Ojayi just spoke my mind now. Most of these people think everyone is a sinner. And I'm sure they have a defense for their way of worship. But if there is a conflict of interest, I usually stick with whatever Jesus said.

  8. Thanks Ojay..... Noise is not Christianity Plz!

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